Sunday, January 8, 2012

Santorum, Romney challenged on gay rights in debate

Face the NationBy:Stephanie Condon
January 8, 2012 12:06 PM
The two front runners of the Iowa Caucus were questioned on their views of Gay rights. Romney says "I think the gay community needs more support from the Republican party,"and "But if people are looking for someone who will discriminate against gays... or say they don't have full rights in this country, they won't find that from me," he said. . Romeny goes further to state that he has also hired people of various sexual orientation because what they do in thier spare time does not matter as long as it does not interfer with his work. Only thing Romeny does not think is okay is that same-sex marriage is not okay ever. Santorum was asked if he supported gay rights he said "All Americans should he treated equally and have equal opportunity. Romney and Santorum both are bascially supporting gay rights in one way or another. In my opinion I would have thought that neither of the republican front runners would have supported gay rights. One side of me believes that they are only being "okay" with gay people because they want all the votes they can get. But on the other hand they might lose some of the republican conservatives who got them to the place they are now. So at the New Hampshire caucus we will see if them saying this will hurt or help them.

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