Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mr. Gingrich’s faulty judgment about the courts

Washington Post
Tuesday, December 20th
By: Editorial Board

"NEWT GINGRICH HAS a love-hate relationship with the Founding Fathers. He loves to cite them but hates to do so in context".

The Washington Post basically says how Gingrich is taking the law into his own hands. Gingrich is undermining the rule of law and what our judiciary system deals with everyday. He says as the president of the United States he will take it into his own hands to target particular judges and cancel certain courts; this is his form of liberal judiciary activism. He compares his thoughts to those of Thomas Jefferson in 1801. Thomas Jefferson when he became president worked with Capitol Hill to rework the judges. The difference between Gingrich and Jeffersons plan is very simple; Gingrich is eliminating judges to replace them with judges that have similar beliefs to Gingrichs. He would like to have his cabinet full of conservatives like himself. Gingrich does not like the California based federal system. A writer Matthew Fanck calls Gingrich a cheater, he is trying to get around that fact that you only impeach judges if they fail to serve "during good behavior".


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